Wooden bookshelf with row of colorful books at different angles, an pothos plant, turtle, and the RBF logo.
Alyssa’s reading goals.

June was a pretty great month in terms of book selection. I enjoyed all 13 books and met plenty of my 2024 reading goals and challenges. I am just shy of 50% towards my overall reading goal. That feels great since I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep up.

I started the Doomsday Books series by KJ Charles, perfect for Pride month, and just loved them. I’ve always enjoyed historical novels and these have amazing adventure, mystery, and steamy MM romance. I highly recommend both for a fun read, but A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel was my favorite. Scroll down for a full list of my June reads and ratings.

The focus for my June reading goals, was to simply get caught up towards my category challenge (any category would do!), and a book published in both 2009 and 2017 for the ICYMI challenge.

Books Read


2024 Goal


Average Rating




Favorite Book

How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin
Category Challenge

I’ve never been someone to have more than one book going at a time, but it’s the only way I got through They Both Die at the End. It was an amazing book and I gave it 5 Stars!! But it was pretty heavy at times and I needed little breaks throughout. I read 2 or 3 books while getting through that one. Would absolutely recommend it, but take your time. 😉

ICYMI Challenge

I normally try not to have a book fulfill two challenges, but it just worked out too perfectly this month.

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Favorite Quotes

Always be quiet when a heart is breaking.

Meg Shaffer – The Wishing Game

Was that the lesson I was supposed to learn? Because if it was, you could have just told me that, I am very receptive to feedback.

Sophie Cousens – The Good Part

Alyssa's June Reads


In July, fun vacation reads are on my TBR! I’m even planning to read a physical book thanks to Meagan letting me borrow Bride by Ali Hazelwood. Based on her review, this is definitely getting packed for vacation!

I have plenty I need to consider towards my challenges, but I’ll worry about that later. LOL