Wooden bookshelf with row of colorful books at different angles, an pothos plant, turtle, and the RBF logo.

Top Ten Backlist TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl with a new prompt each week. This week’s prompt is “Unread Books on My Shelves I Want to Read Soon.”

By the time we’ve drafted and published this post, we’ve probably purchased more books, so we’ll add *these numbers were accurate at the time this post was drafted*. What’s on your to be read soon shelf?


I currently have 112 eBooks on my eReader shelves that I have yet to read. Most of these were freebies that I fully admit I will probably never read. But I have so many I can’t wait to get to and some preorders coming this year that will go to the top of my TBR list. *cough* Emily Henry *cough*

Plus I have several eBooks on my library shelf, and several holds about to come my way. So, it’s likely to be awhile before I get to some of these. 🙁

On My eShelves

  1. House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J Maas. I know! I can’t believe I haven’t read it yet either! I really wanted to reread the first two Crescent City books first since it’s been so long. I read House of Earth and Blood earlier this month, so I’m getting closer!!
  2. Imaginary Things by Andrea Lochen. This was likely a freebie and has been on my eReader shelves for a while. It was published in 2015, which makes it the perfect choice for this month’s ICYMI challenge. Some Magical realism sounds like a good change up for me.
  3. I am the Chosen King by Helen Hollick. Every time I see the cover of this book, I remember how much I loved The Forever Queen, which I read many, many years ago. But it was not a quick read, so I kept passing this one by.
  4. The Passage by Justin Cronin. I had a friend enthusiastically recommend this awhile back and I immediately bought the book. It sounds great (now that I’m rereading the description. LOL) so it goes on today’s list.
  5. Think Again by Adam Grant. I’ve been tempted to read this for a few years after a former supervisor recommended it. But I didn’t purchase until yesterday when it was selected for a book club at work. That’s just the motivation I need sometimes!

On My Library eShelf

Before I can get to any of those I need to read the eBooks on my library shelf!

  • A Soul of Ash and Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I was on the library’s wait list for MONTHS. I have to read it before my loan expires since there are many others waiting and I won’t be able to extend my loan! No need to reread the previous books with this one. I did that last year. Hence my choice of Kieran as a vaca guest. I {heart} him.
  • Icebreaker by Hannah Grace. I’ve seen so many recommendations for this book and I’ve waited forever for it to come available. But I tried another book in the series and DNF after just a few pages, so I’m not sure how this will go. *fingers crossed*

I somehow have only 65 books on my bookshelf I haven’t read. I too have Funny Story by Emily Henry on the way, and that will get moved to the top! Future RBF Joint Review, Alyssa? 😉

The 5 I hope to read this quarter were hard to pick and I am definitely a mood reader, so these may change, but they are:

  1. 1984 by George Orwell because it’s a classic I’ve never read and it will help my goal of reading books published before 2000. I have no idea what this is about (don’t judge me) but, I enjoy dystopian books. I’ll definitely have to be in the right head space of this one.
  2. Murder in the Family by Cara Hunter. I saw this one on booktok and immediately had to buy it. It’s written in a mixed media format and I’m really excited for this one. Side note, for my college English 101 mixed media paper I selected Charles Manson as my topic and even brought my copy of Helter Skelter for the class to pass around. In retrospect, they were all probably afraid of me after I presented this paper. LOL
  3. A Man Called Ove by Frederick Backman is one I picked up at my local used book store. I loved Anxious People by the same author and am excited to watch the show adaptation for this as well.
  4. The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune has been on my list for a while and Alyssa including it in our recent post made me bump this one up!
  5. By the Book by Jasmine Guillory. This Beauty & the Beast inspired romance will be a great palate cleanser for me after a less happy book.


5 responses to “Top Ten Backlist TBR”

  1. I loved The House in the Cerulean Sea. So good!

    Murder in the Family sounds interesting! I have a similar story and I look back on it now and my teacher was probably nervous around me after I picked the topic I did. Lol.

  2. 1984 was really good. Hope you like it!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. My daughter enjoyed Icebreaker, and I really liked Murder in the Family! I hope you enjoy them both.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I finally read Icebreaker. I liked it more than I expected. 🙂

  4. A Man Called Ove is a wonderful read! I hope you both enjoy reading your listed books when you can.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!