Wooden bookshelf with row of colorful books at different angles, an pothos plant, turtle, and the RBF logo.

Alyssa’s reading goals.

I got so much enjoyment out of my July TBR list making my July stats just as satisfying. Which is likely how I managed to read 15 books. A week off from work didn’t hurt either. I read so many amazing books in the span of one month! Including four 5 Star reads.

I was a little lazy on my 2024 reading goals and challenges. However, I did manage to read two towards my category challenge, and a book published in 2018 for the ICYMI challenge to improve my July stats.

Books Read


2024 Goal


Average Rating




Favorite Book

The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley
Category Challenge
  • You, With a View by Jessica Joyce – Place I’d Like to Visit
  • The Woman in Me by Britney Spears – Nonfiction By a Woman Celebrity
ICYMI Challenge
  • Death in The Park by London Lovett – Published in 2018

More Stats


Favorite Quotes

Since the first day we met, I think a piece of my heart has belonged to you. Every year, it just got bigger and bigger.

Carley Fortune – This Summer Will Be Different

It feels like fate, but not the good kind. The Final Destination kind.

Jessica Joyce – You, With a View
Alyssa's July Stats


In August, I just hope to enjoy my books as much as I did in July! But I do need to make sure I don’t fall behind on my two challenges.